Tiny Y3 Games Privacy Policy

 Tiny Y3 Games fabricated the application as an Ad Supported application. This SERVICE is given by Tiny Y3 Games at no expense and is planned for use with no guarantees. 

This page is utilized to illuminate guests in regards to my strategies with the assortment, use, and revelation of Personal Information if anybody chose to utilize my Service. 

On the off chance that you decide to utilize my Service, you consent to the assortment and utilization of data according to this approach. The Personal Information that I gather is utilized for giving and working on the Service. I won't utilize or impart your data to anybody besides as portrayed in this Privacy Policy. 

The terms utilized in this Privacy Policy have similar implications as in our Terms and Conditions, which is open at Tiny Y3 Games except if in any case characterized in this Privacy Policy. 

Data Collection and Use 

For a superior encounter, while utilizing our Service, I might expect you to furnish us with specific actually recognizable data, including however not restricted to No Information Collected from User. The data that I solicitation will be held on your gadget and isn't gathered by me in any capacity. 

The application utilizes outsider administrations that might gather data used to recognize you. 

Connection to protection strategy of outsider specialist organizations utilized by the application 

Google Play Services 


Google Analytics for Firebase 

Firebase Crashlytics 




I need to illuminate you that at whatever point you utilize my Service, for a situation of a mistake in the application I gather information and data (through outsider items) on your telephone called Log Data. This Log Data might incorporate data like your gadget Internet Protocol ("IP") address, gadget name, working framework form, the setup of the application while using my Service, the time and date of your utilization of the Service, and different measurements. 


Treats are documents with a limited quantity of information that are regularly utilized as mysterious one of a kind identifiers. These are shipped off your program from the sites that you visit and are put away on your gadget's interior memory. 

This Service doesn't utilize these "treats" unequivocally. Notwithstanding, the application might utilize outsider code and libraries that utilization "treats" to gather data and work on their administrations. You have the choice to either acknowledge or decline these treats and know when a treat is being shipped off your gadget. If you decide to reject our treats, you will be unable to utilize a few parts of this Service. 

Specialist organizations 

I might utilize outsider organizations and people because of the accompanying reasons: 

To work with our Service; 

To offer the Assistance for our benefit; 

To perform Service-related administrations; or 

To help us in investigating how our Service is utilized. 

I need to illuminate clients regarding this Service that these outsiders approach your Personal Information. The explanation is to play out the undertakings relegated to them for our sake. Notwithstanding, they are committed not to unveil or utilize the data for some other reason. 


I esteem your confidence in giving us your Personal Information, along these lines we are endeavoring to utilize industrially adequate method for securing it. Yet, recall that no strategy for transmission over the web, or technique for electronic capacity is 100% secure and solid, and I can't ensure its outright security. 

Connections to Other Sites 

This Service might contain connections to different locales. In the event that you click on an outsider connection, you will be coordinated to that site. Note that these outer destinations are not worked by me. Subsequently, I firmly encourage you to audit the Privacy Policy of these sites. I have zero command over and accept no accountability for the substance, protection arrangements, or practices of any outsider destinations or administrations. 

Youngsters' Privacy 

These Services don't address anybody younger than 13. I don't purposely gather actually recognizable data from youngsters under 13 years old. For the situation I find that a youngster under 13 has given me individual data, I quickly erase this from our servers. In case you are a parent or watchman and you know that your youngster has given us individual data, if it's not too much trouble, get in touch with me so I will actually want to do vital activities. 

Changes to This Privacy Policy 

I might refresh our Privacy Policy every now and then. Accordingly, you are encouraged to survey this page occasionally for any changes. I will inform you of any progressions by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. 

Get in touch with Us 

On the off chance that you have any inquiries or ideas about my Privacy Policy, don't spare a moment to get in touch with us at tinyy3games@gmail.com.
